I Love Sunsets


This photo was taken in front of our house Sunday night while we were working on a night sky assignment for school.  I used the top of my car and the self timer to get a steady shot.  Other than the breeze blown flag, it is one of the more focused night-time shots I have ever achieved.


Tonight I was at the fire station for training and the setting sun painted the hills to the east of the valley beautifully.  I was delayed for a minute and missed the best colors.  I love the way the mountains light up when there are a few clouds in the sky at night.


Also taken at the fire station this photo is facing to the west.  The utility pole hinders the scene, but the colors were so pretty.  I used HDR processing techniques for this photo. 


Here is the SOC shot.  I love taking pictures, but I have trouble making them turn out the way I want with my current camera.  Some day I will learn to use the settings better, or get my dream camera to start anew.  For now, I am glad I have scenery like this to practice with.