How Far to Take It ....

Have you ever been snubbed?

Ever been overlooked for a task that you were capable of handling, and handling well?

Ever initiate a conversation on the subject and had the person that overlooked you for the task explain why you were not invited to participate?

Did that explanation make you feel better or feel worse?

It made me extremely angry.

Now, what am I going to do about it?

I am developing a plan that hopefully will prevent this oversight from happening ever again, and I hope I have the patience to complete the plan in a way that is not too aggressive and avoids animosity between everyone involved, but still gets the point across.

It's been keeping me up nights, several nights in a row, and I'm tired of that, literally and figuratively.

So, I'm initiating the plan. I've setup a demonstration, I've made the necessary invitations, including to the person mentioned above, to be a part of the solution.

I hope we can come to an understanding. 

Maybe more on this later, maybe some specifics, we'll see about that.