I'm sitting here intending to describe thoughts and events of the last 4 days. My hands are hovering over the keyboard waiting for that sweet recollection. I'm still waiting .... still waiting ....
I honestly can't remember too much about what has happened until today. Man, this is bad, but maybe it will come back to me.
Today was good though, as far as I can remember .... The Aggies won in Las Cruces, another game tomorrow. Work was okay today, lots to do to keep busy - but not too much. I didn't mind the rain too much, it didn't affect what I did.
It's our daughters birthday today, we had family over to celebrate with her. Presents and cake and ice cream. She is 8 years old today. Now I do feel old and maybe that explains my lack of memory function. Okay, I'm not that old but it feels like it.
Oh, some good news, the hydrant I've mentioned before, it's not frozen anymore! No more using hoses to water the cows, no more draining hoses after each use. It's the best thing since sliced bread!
Last night was fire training meeting. I teach, so I spend time that day cramming for the topic I want to instruct. Because of the recent earthquake in Nevada I chose earthquake response as my topic. Reading up on the situation in Wells and imagining the potential for injury and damage in a much more populated as Northern Utah does not create warm fuzzy feelings. I just hope we don't have a significant earthquake occur in our area.
There was a moment of stress today. Our new engine needed to be in Salt Lake City today for final inspection at the dealer who spec'd and ordered it from the factory for us. I got a call about 12:30, from the firefighters who had taken in down, telling me that there were several things to be done and it was not going to come home tonight, so can you get someone to come take us home ....?
Luck was on our side and the dealer finally freed up someone to bring them back, because my attempts to find someone from our end to make the trip was not going too well and I wasn't going to be able to leave work until about 2:00, and then I would have missed my daughter's birthday party, so yeah for the dealer solving the problem for me!
I still don't remember much about Tuesday or Monday, except that I lived through it because I'm still here, so maybe that's all I need to know.
I guess that means I should take the time each day to log something somewhere or at least re-cap the day in my head so I don't loose chunks of time like this anymore.
i always get these great ideas for blog posts, but forget to record them somehow..
and then i wonder why i have nothing to post about. it's frustrating...
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